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The Cottage Theatre
@ The Center for Home Education

Mainstage Production Classes
at The Cottage Theatre
You must audition, be selected and enroll in the production class (4:30-6:30 twice weekly, Tue/Thurs) in order to be in the mainstage productions.
Cast tuition for musicals - $450
(payment plan available)
Production t-shirts will be available for $15.
Ages: mature 3rd grade-12th grade (8+)
There will be a tech week and 5 performances at the end of about three months of rehearsals (check the show pages for specific dates).
You do not have to take other classes at the Center.
Parents must attend a meeting during the first 30 minutes of the first rehearsal, and be willing to volunteer at least one of the production nights.
Each family will receive four complimentary tickets per Cast Member.

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